Friday, May 21, 2010

I do not know what I would do without this wonderful family ... Although many steps have been painful and have been very difficult for us .. but this is not the subject today. if not a sadness that I have reasonable today by many who could describe my feelings about my husband. It is not sadness, hurt, so the problem was him. IT has been more than 10 years without seeing his son, now he 12 years, my husband Eric was reunited with his son's mother for more than four 4years (if im corect) they have were very young when the child was born "teenage parents" . and had many problems that any couple can have to go through a separatetion. "They say: .. What if I take the house or anything that can be carried out including children! Oh my God !!!!!?!? Why do children have to pay for the mistakes of their ingnorantes parents ? and yet they blame eachother. saying it's your fault my child was left without a father or mother and forgotten like dogs in the street. but that's not the case. as for good in some parents do not know what to do! Some parents want the best for our children. Unfortunately though things did not go as they desired things to happen in the way that their relationship needed to be for the sake of the child. He well knew he wasnt on the right track .he had so many problems and didt know what was going to happend to him ,as he thought their was so many things to do and painful to do as well he decided to give his son for adoption to the new husband of the kids mother . he did painfully signing the adoption papers but she promised to send pictures, letters, and upates of him and did not DID! and till date she said derectly to me she would be sending some picture and that i would be sending her some reply of my baby grl for him to have. but as it is and has been lies and exuses .SHe did not send anything and i havent eighter for what ?if she wont be honest and respective to our shares! and well known she had always said that my husband had forgotten about his son and that he doest care well let me say that is not TRUE!!!! and you always said that he has no rights to his son and how can you say that?is well known that he was not good that now it is. we had just asked another oppurtunity to see his child.
A while ago she contact me on myspace she had said she thought i was erick brother when their was a display picture of me and my doughter lol well i imediately run to erick and said ,Guess who had just add me on myspace?! he reply WHO? The mother of your son!!! Michelle?yah her! He didt want me do deny her so i agree we started to have some few conversation about her and the kid ....And erick would also use my pg to contact her about his son .she had problably had thought it was me all this time ,when really erick cared and wish to fix things up .so as time past by we tryed to come up with so many things but like its always been said"erick its not good enough to do fix things up! how or what do they want ?how to fix things up when they ALWAYS shut their door at our face!!!!how to get in ?
So today we run into a problem,Where she had wrote so many untruely comments...ohhh i am so bad why not say the correct stuff like it is .. she had said i had added her when she had thought that it was erick tryin to communicate his son and including seeing some picture of him and she did not deny ...when really she was the one to ADD ME !!!!!
Things started to get diffulct from this point..till some few day she agreed erick coming up with his mom and my baby girl but i wasnt invited because "the kid" didt want me too
well we are just hopeing that someday things work out we will let this problem on hands of god and he will lead us to where we need too.He well knows that erick loves his kids after after everything!!!!!!

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